To make the hull sides I decided to use a bit of technology, OK a LOT of technology to create the curved shapes needed.
As the hull had already been entered into a CAD system it was an easy matter of defining a new hull in Free!ship.
Solo Hull in Free!ship |
The chines were developed in Free!ship and imported into DesignCAD 2d where they were broken up to fit onto 8ft x 4ft sheets for printing and routing.
Chines set out on 8ft x 4ft sheets |
They were then printed onto cardboard using a Gerber Solara Ionx, this is a large format UV ink printer
Gerber Solara Ionx |
Printing the chines onto cardboard |
The finished print |
When all the modifications were finished the plywood was machined out on a large CNC router. All that was needed to do to finish the chines was to make the scarf joint to join the 2 parts together.
2M x 2.5M Router |
Machining 8mm ply |
The finished sheet |
All this equipment is usually used to make signs but can come in very handy when building boats :)
The sort of sign we normally make! |