Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Solo Dinghy Jig Construction

Construction has now started on the jig for my Solo dinghy build, the material is 9mm MDF which has been cut out on a CNC router. This should hopefully give a square and symetrical jig to build the dinghy on.
There are a few more parts to be made to finish the jig off, these are mainly the main bulkhead the the stem. Details to follow.
Things learnt so far are...need a bigger garage! :)

Coming soon, how the jig was made.

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Jimbob said...

Hello there. How did you get on with your solo build? Thanks James

Mictas said...

Hi I'm not sure if this is any use however my father made a jig and built his boat from scratch unfortunately he passed away in 1989 ..we have just found said jig In the loft while clearing out ...if anyone qaould like pictures or rhe jig please contact me @ mictas_1@msn.com..ty